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Francis MARTIN |
Francis Martin has been in the Electron Beam Industry for more than 30 years. He holds a Master's Degree in Electronics and Computer Science. Starting in 1979 with CGR-MeV (renamed MeV Industrie, Linac Technologies and now Getinge), he participated in the first installation of a 10MeV Linac for food ionization by designing and installing the conveyor for frozen poultry treatment. |
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He joined Raychem (Tyco) in 1986 to manage and install an Electron Beam Facility in France, an RDI Dynamitron® - 3MeV - 120kW machine, for polymers crosslinking. After installation of this equipment, he started the production of heat shrinkable products with this accelerator and was appointed Manufacturing Manager. Since 1996 Francis' expertises have been available, on a consulting basis, to address any aspect of Electron Beam Processing. His main references are with Ion Beam Applications (Rhodotron®) where he acts as Project Manager, Acome, Raychem/Tyco, Radiation Dynamics Inc./IBA Industrial, PCT Broadbeam, RADSYS, Vivirad and several other companies. With IBA, he has been leading half of the Rhodotron® TT200/300 installations. We can mention; in Chicago area, for STERIS (Isomedix); in Spain, for ION+MED; in Japan, for NFI; in Bridgeport New Jersey, for Sterigenics; in Germany, for BGS and for Gamma Service and finally a turnkey in Shanghai for Sterigenics including on top of the electron beam machine, a conveyor, a safety system and a fully integrated process control. He is also helping potential customers for configurations of building and conveyor, expert in dosimetry especially during machines qualification. Because of this, his competencies can be useful in a wide range of applications in the radiation industry such as crosslinking, curing, surface treatment, sterilization and food irradiation using the three main types of machines: Linac, DC machines (Dynamitron®, Broadbeam®), Rhodotron®. His expertise can be also applied to shielding, to processes, including dosimetry and to product transport systems, maintenance,... Francis is also an active member of BNEN which stands for Bureau de Normalisation d'Equipements Nucléaires. This organization produces the French standard for “Electron Beam Installations” and he is in charge of the revision. Francis also participates in numerous organizations such as ISO, ASTM Subcommittee E61, iiA, BNEN, SFRP, IRSN. He is the French Technical Expert within ISO/TC85/WG3 (Dosimetry for Radiation Processing) and is member of IAB (Industrial Advisor Board) at ARIES (Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society). |
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Jean-Pierre HUBEAU |
Jean-Pierre is an Industrial Engineer in Chemistry and Nuclear Sciences with almost 40 years of experience in general process control industry. He began his career in steel industry in the control and research department. |
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In 1976, he was one of the founders of SPAC sprl conceiving and manufacturing automatic chemical analyzers for industry and medical laboratories. In 1987, he became technical and production manager of Elkaplast, company specialized in special copolymers extrusion and thermoforming. From 1976 to 2001, he has been acting as an expert for Inspectorate International (now included in BSI) doing analysis and technical tests for exportation of products and technical devices in the Middle East. From 2001 to 2009, he was a Project Manager at IBA. He managed the total following up and setting in operation of irradiation centers built around the IBA electrons accelerator, the Rhodotron. Now retired, he remains a technical consultant. |
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Pierre Dardenne has been in the Irradiation Technology Industry for more than 35 years. He holds a Masters Degree in Management as well as Industrial Engineer on Nuclear Energy. |
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Starting in 1972 with "Institut National des Radioéléments" (privatized under the name of CARIC MEDIRIS and now named Sterigenics), he was General Manager and Member of the Board. Pierre is worldwide recognized as Food Irradiation and Radiation Chemistry Specialist. As well his tremendous knowledge in running a service center using Gamma Irradiator as well as E-beam and X-rays, can be of a great help in nearly all range of applications in the radiation industry including cross linking and sterilization of medical devices and pharmaceuticals. He can also help you regarding Business Development. On top of being a coordinator of the ECFI (European Coalition on Food Irradiation), of the Working Group on Food Irradiation, created by the Panel on Gamma and Electron Irradiation (UK), Pierre is member of AERIAL Scientific and Technical Committee (see Related Links). He was a designated expert of Belgium to ICGFI (International Consultative Group on Food Irradiation) created under the aegis of WHO, FAO and IAEA. Pierre have also contact with National and International Organization (CEE European Parliament, OMS, IAEA (which requests his expertise), FAO, iiA, ...). |
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Maxime Tulkens |
Maxime has been evolving in the Electron Beam Industry for 10 years. He holds a Master’s degree in Industrial Aeronautical Engineering. Starting in 2011 as field service engineer at Ion Beam Applications Industrial (IBA Industrial), he was performing the maintenance, installation and development of Rhodotron® and Dynamitron® ranging from 500Kev to 5MeV electrons accelerators across the world. The main applications of such industrial machines are polymer crosslinking & sterilisation. |
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In 2015, Maxime became the Head of the Research & Development for the RDI Dynamitron. He was leading the field services engineers’ team and developing valuable upgrades for the original version of accelerators, mainly concerning machine tuning & efficiency optimization, safety & operation development, system control improvement, process valorization, components & parts replacement. In 2018, Maxime created a company Multi Services Engineering – MSE, expanding his activities to a wider range of types of e-beam accelerators, progressing worldwide on machines from low (150keV) to high (10MeV) energy. He performs maintenance & installation in collaboration with accelerator’s manufacturers, and directly with industrial owners, as well as develops engineering projects for various clients (end-users) and manufacturers. As Radiation Safety Officer and SF6 certified officer, he performs dosimetry analyses & radiation surveys, and hazardous gas optimization & replacement studies. His overall knowledge and experience make him a valuable profile to the Electron Beam Industry. |